But as a way of cheating and getting in a blog before January flies away I am going to post a couple of photos from recent (ie the past 2 months) advetures ....
We've got:
1. the money shot of Mumbles Castle (4 miles down the bay from us).
2. me at the back door of Cardiff Castle (they charge like $30 per person to go inside! I wonder if this is reminiscent of the treatment kings gave to their peasants in the past?)
3. the main street of Cardiff's shopping district--unlike Swansea, many of Cardiff old buildings still exist, so it is a real change architecturally (Swansea was the second most bombed city in the UK during WWII thanks to its strategic value as a coal, copper, and steel port, at the end of the war it was essentially a pile of rubble.)
4. the lifeboat hut at the end of Mumbles pier looking across Swansea Bay toward Swansea and Port Talbot--I like the colors of the old painted rail and the red roof.
5. Mumbles lighthouse seen from the end of the boardwalk on the east side, with tide come in. (when its out you could almost make it to the lighthouse across the sand--Swansea Bay has the second largest tidal draw in the world apparently).
More soon all!
Love seeing pics. More! (and "Amen" to your previous blog).