Friday, 30 October 2009

the several stages of cultural acclimitazation

About 6 weeks here so we've passed through several stages:
The: "Oh, this is no big deal" phase
The: "Oh my god, what the hell are we doing here" phase
The: "I LOVE CHIPS!!!" phase
The: "Wow, the UK is just so much better than the US" phase
The: "I love 1 and 2 pound coins, nice heft" phase
The: "Wow, the US is just so much better than the UK" phase
The: "Why is that person staring at me" phase
The: "I love chips but not more than 3x a week" phase
The: "I have nothing to wear for this climate-- its cloudy, drizzling and 50 degrees but I'm sweating in my jacket" phase
The: "Please, please be my friend--oh wait do I seem desperate" phase
The: "Don't people know how to make way on the sidewalk, dear lord please get out of my personal space" phase
The: "I love chips but maybe only 1x a week" phase
The: "Hey, I think I've got the hang of walking right next to someone without touching them, who would have thought" phase
The: "Prawn cocktail, roasted chicken, BBQ bacon potato crisps--Really?" phase
The: "Could there possibly be more bureaucracy" phase
The: "I love chips and could have them 2x a week" phase
The: "How in god's name can beer be more expensive in the UK" phase
The: "I am tracking the dollar every day on-line and terrified of the exchange rate plunging any more" phase
The: "Am I supposed to leave now?" phase
The: "What are those girls thinking with their tights and shirt barely covering their ass" phase
The: "So it really is free (ie healthcare)" phase
The: "I don't think I can live without Mexican food" phase
The: "Why is Guinness made in Nigera when Ireland is right here" phase
The: "Oh my god the public option on the House bill is going to be linked to current insurance pricing and therefore provide no incentive for prices to drop while forcing the uninsured to now purchase insurance they can't afford what the hell ever happened to single payer ..." phase
The: "Gorse, heather, and horse chesnuts--I must be in an English novel" phase
The: "I love chips unconditionally" phase
The: "You mean there are 50 different brands of hard cider in the supermarket" phase
The: "4 visits from the plumber later we might have hot water or maybe not, is this New Mexico" phase
The: "I love Indian food" phase
The: "Why is the 10 pence bigger than the 20 pence?" phase
The: "Asian markets are crazy cool" phase
The: "Seagulls call to me every morning trying to lure me to the sea but I'm not going" phase
The: "Seagulls call to me every morning trying to lure me to the sea and I have to go" phase
The: "Walking in the rain without a raincoat and not caring" phase ......


  1. The Several Stages of Acclimitazation To My Daughter Being Thousands Of Miles Away In The UK:
    The: "I'm so proud of her getting accepted to Swansea" phase
    The: "I hope we can all help make this work for her & Christien" phase
    The:"Oh no, this is really getting close now" phase.
    The: "Good god, they're really leaving the U.S." phase
    The: "Good god, they're really in England now" phase
    The: "I'm so glad there's a thing called Skype!" phase
    The: "Why the hell are the hours so screwy that we're never on the computer at the same time" phase
    The: "I love reading her blogs!" phase
    The: "You're damn right I'm 'bloody' proud of her!"(to use the British slang)phase
    The: "What, it only costs 98 cents to send a letter to the U.K.?" phase
    The: "I love you Bigger Than The Cosmos" phase
    Well, that's not a phase; that's my life.
